These Would You Rather cards are so versatile! Use them for opinion writing topics, sentence writing or morning meeting conversation starters. There are 30 different cards included in total. Plus, a digital version (Google Slides) is included too which is perfect for distance teaching. There are 6 different writing templates included as well.
Here are some ideas regarding how to use this resource among different ability levels.
Level 1: Have students verbally share what they would rather and list 1-2 reasons for their answer. Ensure they use full sentences. E.g. I would rather have a pet dog because they like to play fetch and I enjoy playing with my ball at the park.
Level 2: Have students write a sentence/paragraph specifying what they would rather and include reason/s for their answer. (This lesson would link well with conjunctions i.e. because).
Level 3: Have students write a full opinion writing piece with correct structure and format (introduction, reasons, conclusion).
Includes both a USA and AUS-UK version.
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